
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

裴颂文 PEI Song Wen

Time:2019-03-23 15:16  click:

1. Brief Profile

Dr. Songwen Pei (M’2008, SM’2019) received the B.S. from National University of Defense and Technology, Changsha, China in 2003, and the Ph.D. from Fudan University, Shanghai, China in 2009. He is currently an associate professor and Ph.D. Supervisor within the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, guest research fellow within the Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and guest scientist within the School of Science and Technology, Fudan University.

He is the director of the Computer Architecture and Parallel Acceleration Lab(CAPAL) of OECE, USST. His projects are(were) funded by National Nature Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Nature Science Foundation of Shanghai, and Shanghai Science and Technology Commission(SSTC), etc. Dr.Pei is serving for IEEE Transactions on Computers, IET Eletronic Letters, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, Chinese Journal of Computers, SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, etc. Besides, He is also an associate editor or guest editor for IEEE Access, Future Generation of Computer Systems, etc. He co-chaired several international conferences or workshops(e.g. IGSC 2015, IGSC 2016, HPCA  HCSDA 2019, etc), and served as program committee member in 2020 MetroCAD, 2020 CTC, 2020 ACA, 2019 NCCET, 2019 APPT, etc.

He was awarded Pujiang Talent of Shanghai in 2016, Leading Pioneer on Science & Technology of Suzhou in 2018, receiptor of Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award in 2019, and he was a Research Scientist at University of California, Irvine (2013-2015) and Visiting Scholar at Queensland University of Technology (2017). Dr. Pei is a senior member of the CCF, ACM, the vice-president of CCF YOCSEF Shanghai, and is also a board member of CCF-TCCET, CCF-TCEBS, and CCF-TCARCH respectively. Dr. Pei is also a vice director of SCS-TCARCH, and SCS-TCPCEBS respectively.


2. Research Area

Dr. Pei’s research interests include heterogeneous multicore system, intelligent computation, distributed computing, hybrid cloud computing, graph computing, parallel accelerated computing and big data, etc.


3. Contact Information

The CAPAL and Dr. Pei are looking for qualified and self-motivated graduate and undergraduate students to explore research with financial assistantship available. If you are interested in these opportunities, please scan the barcode of CAPAL or send email by swpei AT usst.edu.cn.

Email address: swpei@usst.edu.cn

Copyright©2008 School of Optoelectronic Information and Computer Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology
Address: No. 516, Jungong Road, Shanghai, China Postcode: 200093 Telephone: 86-21-55272982