1. Brief Profile
SHAO Yongni Associate Research Fellow, Department of Optical-Electrical Information, Terahertz Institute
SHAO Yongni is borned in 1983. She received her PhD degree from Zhejiang University in 2010 and joined USST in 2017. Leading and participating in nearly 10 projects which funded by the National Natural Science Foundation and the Provincial Foundation. More than 40 SCI papers in authoritative international journals have been published by the first author or correspondence author, and 10 invention patents have been authorized by the first inventor. These achievements rewarded her the second Prize for Science and Technology Progress issued by the National (ranked 9/14), the Second Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress issued by Zhejiang Province (ranked 2/13).
2. Research Area
Research directions include: terahertz spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy technology in biological, biomedical applications.
3. Contact Information
Email: ynshao@usst.edu.cn